Thursday, April 9, 2009

Apple iPhone / iPod touch

If you have one of Apple's Devices with iPhone O.S Capabilities (i.e. an iPhone G1, iPhone 3G (G2), iPod Touch G1, iPod Touch G2), then I think that I can be of great help to you.

Offers and Prices
  • Applications (requires Software Update): I can provide 150+ Applications for your device for all categories (Utilities, Entertainment, Games, etc.) for GHC 5.0
  • Application Updates (requires Applications): After every month, there will be about 25+ Applications that have released updates with new features and will have to be downloaded, but cannot be done without my password. I can update those applications for GHC 1.0 every month
  • Help / FAQ: I have spent months ensuring that I know almost everything there is to know about those devices, so I can offer help about anything to do, such as from OTA (Over the Air) Calendar synchronising to a range of shortcuts), for GHC 1.0 per every help item
  • Jailbreaking: Jailbreaking is when the iPhone or iPod Touch OS is unlocked, so you can (basically) get the two jailbreak applications (Cydia and Installer) for your use. It's just like having three different App Stores! Jailbreaking costs GHC 5.0
  • Unlocking: (iPhone ONLY; Requires Jailbreaking): Basically, it'll make the iPhone work with all SIM Cards and their carriers. This will cost GHC 1.0
  • Package Suite: I can put all my Applications and do the Application Updates and add new Applications every month, aswell as give unlimited help on all things iPhone / iPod Touch, and all features for GHC 25.0 (iPhone G1 and G2/3G) GHC 20.0 (iPod Touch)

*Requirements: To put applications on the device, you need to have the iPhone 3.0 or later Software on your device, or multiple applications will result as incompatible, leading to failure in running the applications. (See the Software Update section above)

Contact me by calling one of the numbers in the head of this page. If none are available, call (021) 779 - 083 , and ask for Karan...

If you manage to bring me business, such as giving me a friend's Apple iPhone / iPod touch, the Profits will be shared 50% - 50%

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